이 예제는 다음을 보여줍니다:
타사 계정으로 자금을 전송할 수 있도록 계정을 구성합니다.
거래를 위한 currency type을 설정합니다.
대기 계정과 운영 계정 사이에 신뢰선을 생성합니다.
계정 간에 발행된 currency를 전송합니다.
모든 currency에 대한 계정 잔액을 표시합니다.
Quickstart Samples 아카이브를 다운로드하여 각 샘플을 브라우저에서 시도해볼 수 있습니다.
Quickstart Samples가 없다면, 이후 예제들을 시도할 수 없습니다.
Quickstart 창을 열고 다음 계정을 가져옵니다:
을 열고 실행합니다.
테스트 계정을 가져옵니다.
기존 계정 시드가 있는 경우
Get Accounts from Seeds 를 클릭합니다.
계정 시드가 없는 경우:
Get New Standby Account 를 클릭합니다.
Get New Operational Account 를 클릭합니다.
신뢰선 생성
계정 간 신뢰선을 생성하려면:
Amount 필드에 최대 전송 한도를 입력합니다.
Destination 필드에 목적지 계정 값을 입력합니다.
발행된 Currency Token 보내기
신뢰선을 생성한 후에 발행된 Currency Token을 전송하려면:
계정 구성
법정 화폐를 송금할 때, 실제 자금 이체는 XRP와 같이 동시에 이루어지지 않습니다. 화폐가 다른 화폐로 제3자에게 이전되는 경우, 원래 계정에 영향을 미치는 화폐의 평가절하가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이러한 상황을 피하기 위해 rippling으 로 알려진 화폐의 이러한 상승 및 하강 평가는 기본적으로 허용되지 않습니다. 한 계좌에서 이체된 화폐는 동일한 계좌로만 다시 이체할 수 있습니다. 타사로의 화폐 전송을 활성화하려면 riffDefault 값을 true로 설정해야 합니다. 토큰 테스트 Harness에는 rippling을 활성화하거나 비활성화하는 확인란이 제공됩니다.
rippling 활성화 방법:
Allow Rippling 확인란을 선택합니다.
Configure Account를 클 릭합니다.
응답에서 Set Flag 값을 찾아 설정을 확인합니다. 플래그 설정은 8 이어야 합니다.
rippling 비활성화 방법:
Allow Rippling 확인란의 선택을 취소합니다.
Configure Account를 클 릭합니다.
응답에서 Clear Flag 값을 찾아 설정을 확인합니다. 플래그 설정은 8 이어야 합니다.
Code Walkthrough
이 웹사이트 소스 저장소에서 Quickstart Samples 를 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
모듈 2는 신뢰선을 생성하고 계정 간에 발행된 화폐 토큰을 전송하는 논리를 제공합니다.
Dependencies을 가져오고 testnet_url
을 설정합니다.
Copy import xrpl
from xrpl . clients import JsonRpcClient
from xrpl . wallet import Wallet
testnet_url = "https://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51234"
Create 신뢰선
지갑 seed, 발행자 계좌, 화폐 코드, 보낼 최대 화폐량을 전달합니다.
Copy def create_trust_line ( seed , issuer , currency , amount ):
지갑과 새 클라이언트 인스턴스를 가져옵니다.
Copy receiving_wallet = Wallet . from_seed (seed)
client = JsonRpcClient (testnet_url)
트랜잭션을 정의합니다.
Copy trustline_tx = xrpl . models . transactions . TrustSet (
account = receiving_wallet.classic_address,
limit_amount = xrpl.models.amounts. IssuedCurrencyAmount (
currency = currency,
issuer = issuer,
value = int (amount)
트랜잭션을 XRP Ledger에 제출합니다.
Copy response = xrpl . transaction . submit_and_wait (trustline_tx,
client, receiving_wallet)
결과를 반환합니다.
Copy return response . result
보낸 사람 지갑, 대상 계정, 화폐 유형 및 화폐 금액을 기준으로 다른 계정으로 화폐를 보냅니다.
Copy def send_currency ( seed , destination , currency , amount ):
Testnet에서 송신 지갑 및 클라이언트 인스턴스를 가져옵니다.
Copy sending_wallet = Wallet . from_seed (seed)
client = JsonRpcClient (testnet_url)
결제 트랜잭션을 정의합니다. 금액은 화폐 유형과 발행자를 식별하기 위해 추가 설명이 필요합니다.
Copy send_currency_tx = xrpl . models . transactions . Payment (
account = sending_wallet.address,
amount = xrpl.models.amounts. IssuedCurrencyAmount (
currency = currency,
value = int (amount),
issuer = sending_wallet.address
destination = destination
트랜잭션을 제출하고 응답을 받습니다.
Copy response = xrpl . transaction . submit_and_wait (send_currency_tx, client, sending_wallet)
JSON 응답을 반환하거나 트랜잭션이 실패할 경우 오류 메시지를 반환합니다.
Copy return response . result
XRP Balance 필드를 업데이트하고 Results 텍스트 영역에 발행 화폐에 대한 잔액 정보를 나열합니다.
Copy def get_balance ( sb_account_id , op_account_id ):
XRP Ledger에 연결하고 클라이언트를 인스턴스화합니다.
Copy client = JsonRpcClient (testnet_url)
요청을 만듭니다.
Copy balance = xrpl . models . requests . GatewayBalances (
account = sb_account_id,
ledger_index = "validated" ,
hotwallet = [op_account_id]
결과를 반환합니다.
Copy response = client . request (balance)
return response . result
이 예에서는 AccountSet
메소드를 사용하여 구성 플래그를 설정하고 지우는 방법을 보여 줍니다. ASF_DEFAULT_RIPPLE
플래그는 발행 화폐를 타사 계정으로 전송하는 실험과 관련이 있으므로 여기에서 설명합니다. 설정할 특정 플래그를 대체하여 동일한 구조를 사용하여 구성 플래그를 설정할 수 있습니다. AccountSet Flags 을 참조하십시오.
rippling을 사용할지 또는 사용하지 않을지 여부에 대한 계정 시드와 Boolean 값을 보냅니다.
Copy def configure_account ( seed , default_setting ):
계정 지갑을 가져오고 클라이언트를 인스턴스화합니다.
Copy wallet = Wallet . from_seed (seed)
client = JsonRpcClient (testnet_url)
이 참이면 set_flag
트랜잭션을 생성하여 rippling을 사용하도록 설정합니다. false인 경우 clear_flag
트랜잭션을 생성하여 rippling을 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다.
Copy if (default_setting) :
setting_tx = xrpl . models . transactions . AccountSet (
account = wallet.classic_address,
set_flag = xrpl.models.transactions.AccountSetFlag.ASF_DEFAULT_RIPPLE
else :
setting_tx = xrpl . models . transactions . AccountSet (
account = wallet.classic_address,
clear_flag = xrpl.models.transactions.AccountSetFlag.ASF_DEFAULT_RIPPLE
트랜잭션을 제출하고 결과를 가져옵니다
Copy response = xrpl . transaction . submit_and_wait (setting_tx,client,wallet)
return response . result
This module builds on lesson1-send-xrp.py
. Changes are noted below.
이 모듈은 lesson1-send-xrp.py
을 기반으로 합니다. 변경 사항은 아래에 나와 있습니다.
Copy import tkinter as tk
import xrpl
import json
에서 메소드를 가져옵니다.
Copy from mod1 import get_account , get_account_info , send_xrp
from mod2 import (
create_trust_line ,
send_currency ,
get_balance ,
configure_account ,
모듈 2 핸들러.
Copy def standby_create_trust_line ():
results = create_trust_line (ent_standby_seed. get (),
ent_standby_destination. get (),
ent_standby_currency. get (),
ent_standby_amount. get ())
text_standby_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_standby_results . insert ( "1.0" , json. dumps (results, indent = 4 ))
def standby_send_currency ():
results = send_currency (ent_standby_seed. get (),
ent_standby_destination. get (),
ent_standby_currency. get (),
ent_standby_amount. get ())
text_standby_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_standby_results . insert ( "1.0" , json. dumps (results, indent = 4 ))
def standby_configure_account ():
results = configure_account (
ent_standby_seed. get (),
text_standby_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_standby_results . insert ( "1.0" , json. dumps (results, indent = 4 ))
def operational_create_trust_line ():
results = create_trust_line (ent_operational_seed. get (),
ent_operational_destination. get (),
ent_operational_currency. get (),
ent_operational_amount. get ())
text_operational_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_operational_results . insert ( "1.0" , json. dumps (results, indent = 4 ))
def operational_send_currency ():
results = send_currency (ent_operational_seed. get (),
ent_operational_destination. get (),
ent_operational_currency. get (),
ent_operational_amount. get ())
text_operational_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_operational_results . insert ( "1.0" , json. dumps (results, indent = 4 ))
def operational_configure_account ():
results = configure_account (
ent_operational_seed. get (),
text_operational_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_operational_results . insert ( "1.0" , json. dumps (results, indent = 4 ))
def get_balances ():
results = get_balance (ent_operational_account. get (), ent_standby_account. get ())
text_standby_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_standby_results . insert ( "1.0" , json. dumps (results, indent = 4 ))
results = get_balance (ent_standby_account. get (), ent_operational_account. get ())
text_operational_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_operational_results . insert ( "1.0" , json. dumps (results, indent = 4 ))
# Module 1 Handlers
def get_standby_account ():
new_wallet = get_account (ent_standby_seed. get ())
ent_standby_account . delete ( 0 , tk.END)
ent_standby_seed . delete ( 0 , tk.END)
ent_standby_account . insert ( 0 , new_wallet.classic_address)
ent_standby_seed . insert ( 0 , new_wallet.seed)
def get_standby_account_info ():
accountInfo = get_account_info (ent_standby_account. get ())
ent_standby_balance . delete ( 0 , tk.END)
ent_standby_balance . insert ( 0 ,accountInfo[ 'Balance' ])
text_standby_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_standby_results . insert ( "1.0" ,json. dumps (accountInfo, indent = 4 ))
def standby_send_xrp ():
response = send_xrp (ent_standby_seed. get (),ent_standby_amount. get (),
ent_standby_destination. get ())
text_standby_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_standby_results . insert ( "1.0" ,json. dumps (response.result, indent = 4 ))
get_standby_account_info ()
get_operational_account_info ()
def get_operational_account ():
new_wallet = get_account (ent_operational_seed. get ())
ent_operational_account . delete ( 0 , tk.END)
ent_operational_account . insert ( 0 , new_wallet.classic_address)
ent_operational_seed . delete ( 0 , tk.END)
ent_operational_seed . insert ( 0 , new_wallet.seed)
def get_operational_account_info ():
accountInfo = get_account_info (ent_operational_account. get ())
ent_operational_balance . delete ( 0 , tk.END)
ent_operational_balance . insert ( 0 ,accountInfo[ 'Balance' ])
text_operational_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_operational_results . insert ( "1.0" ,json. dumps (accountInfo, indent = 4 ))
def operational_send_xrp ():
response = send_xrp (ent_operational_seed. get (),ent_operational_amount. get (), ent_operational_destination. get ())
text_operational_results . delete ( "1.0" , tk.END)
text_operational_results . insert ( "1.0" ,json. dumps (response.result,indent = 4 ))
get_standby_account_info ()
get_operational_account_info ()
# Create a new window with the title "Quickstart Module 2"
window = tk . Tk ()
window . title ( "Quickstart Module 2" )
standbyRippling = tk . BooleanVar ()
operationalRippling = tk . BooleanVar ()
# Form frame
frm_form = tk . Frame (relief = tk.SUNKEN, borderwidth = 3 )
frm_form . pack ()
# Create the Label and Entry widgets for "Standby Account"
lbl_standy_seed = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "Standby Seed" )
ent_standby_seed = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
lbl_standby_account = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "Standby Account" )
ent_standby_account = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
lbl_standy_amount = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "Amount" )
ent_standby_amount = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
lbl_standby_destination = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "Destination" )
ent_standby_destination = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
lbl_standby_balance = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "XRP Balance" )
ent_standby_balance = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
Currency 필드를 추가합니다.
Copy lbl_standby_currency = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "Currency" )
ent_standby_currency = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
Allow Rippling 에 확인란을 추가합니다.
Copy cb_standby_allow_rippling = tk . Checkbutton (master = frm_form, text = "Allow Rippling" , variable = standbyRippling, onvalue = True , offvalue = False )
lbl_standby_results = tk . Label (master = frm_form,text = 'Results' )
text_standby_results = tk . Text (master = frm_form, height = 20 , width = 65 )
# Place field in a grid.
lbl_standy_seed . grid (row = 0 , column = 0 , sticky = "w" )
ent_standby_seed . grid (row = 0 , column = 1 )
lbl_standby_account . grid (row = 2 , column = 0 , sticky = "e" )
ent_standby_account . grid (row = 2 , column = 1 )
lbl_standy_amount . grid (row = 3 , column = 0 , sticky = "e" )
ent_standby_amount . grid (row = 3 , column = 1 )
lbl_standby_destination . grid (row = 4 , column = 0 , sticky = "e" )
ent_standby_destination . grid (row = 4 , column = 1 )
lbl_standby_balance . grid (row = 5 , column = 0 , sticky = "e" )
ent_standby_balance . grid (row = 5 , column = 1 )
새 UI 요소를 배치합니다.
Copy lbl_standby_currency . grid (row = 6 , column = 0 , sticky = "e" )
ent_standby_currency . grid (row = 6 , column = 1 )
cb_standby_allow_rippling . grid (row = 7 ,column = 1 , sticky = "w" )
lbl_standby_results . grid (row = 8 , column = 0 , sticky = "ne" )
text_standby_results . grid (row = 8 , column = 1 , sticky = "nw" )
cb_standby_allow_rippling . select ()
## Operational Account ########################
# Create the Label and Entry widgets for "Operational Account"
lbl_operational_seed = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "Operational Seed" )
ent_operational_seed = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
lbl_operational_account = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "Operational Account" )
ent_operational_account = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
lbl_operational_amount = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "Amount" )
ent_operational_amount = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
lbl_operational_destination = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "Destination" )
ent_operational_destination = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
lbl_operational_balance = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "XRP Balance" )
ent_operational_balance = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
Currency 필드 및 Allow Rippling 확인란을 추가합니다.
Copy lbl_operational_currency = tk . Label (master = frm_form, text = "Currency" )
ent_operational_currency = tk . Entry (master = frm_form, width = 50 )
cb_operational_allow_rippling = tk . Checkbutton (master = frm_form, text = "Allow Rippling" , variable = operationalRippling, onvalue = True , offvalue = False )
lbl_operational_results = tk . Label (master = frm_form,text = 'Results' )
text_operational_results = tk . Text (master = frm_form, height = 20 , width = 65 )
#Place the widgets in a grid
lbl_operational_seed . grid (row = 0 , column = 4 , sticky = "e" )
ent_operational_seed . grid (row = 0 , column = 5 , sticky = "w" )
lbl_operational_account . grid (row = 2 ,column = 4 , sticky = "e" )
ent_operational_account . grid (row = 2 ,column = 5 , sticky = "w" )
lbl_operational_amount . grid (row = 3 , column = 4 , sticky = "e" )
ent_operational_amount . grid (row = 3 , column = 5 , sticky = "w" )
lbl_operational_destination . grid (row = 4 , column = 4 , sticky = "e" )
ent_operational_destination . grid (row = 4 , column = 5 , sticky = "w" )
lbl_operational_balance . grid (row = 5 , column = 4 , sticky = "e" )
ent_operational_balance . grid (row = 5 , column = 5 , sticky = "w" )
UI에 요소를 추가합니다.
Copy lbl_operational_currency . grid (row = 6 , column = 4 , sticky = "e" )
ent_operational_currency . grid (row = 6 , column = 5 )
cb_operational_allow_rippling . grid (row = 7 ,column = 5 , sticky = "w" )
lbl_operational_results . grid (row = 8 , column = 4 , sticky = "ne" )
text_operational_results . grid (row = 8 , column = 5 , sticky = "nw" )
cb_operational_allow_rippling . select ()
Standby Account 버튼을 만듭니다.
Copy btn_get_standby_account = tk . Button (master = frm_form, text = "Get Standby Account" ,
command = get_standby_account)
btn_get_standby_account . grid (row = 0 , column = 2 , sticky = "nsew" )
btn_get_standby_account_info = tk . Button (master = frm_form,
text = "Get Standby Account Info" ,
command = get_standby_account_info)
btn_get_standby_account_info . grid (row = 1 , column = 2 , sticky = "nsew" )
btn_standby_send_xrp = tk . Button (master = frm_form, text = "Send XRP >" ,
command = standby_send_xrp)
btn_standby_send_xrp . grid (row = 2 , column = 2 , sticky = "nsew" )
Create Trust Line , Send Currency , Get Balances 와 Configure Account 버튼을 추가합니다.
Copy btn_standby_create_trust_line = tk . Button (master = frm_form,
text = "Create Trust Line" ,
command = standby_create_trust_line)
btn_standby_create_trust_line . grid (row = 3 , column = 2 , sticky = "nsew" )
btn_standby_send_currency = tk . Button (master = frm_form, text = "Send Currency >" ,
command = standby_send_currency)
btn_standby_send_currency . grid (row = 4 , column = 2 , sticky = "nsew" )
btn_standby_send_currency = tk . Button (master = frm_form, text = "Get Balances" ,
command = get_balances)
btn_standby_send_currency . grid (row = 5 , column = 2 , sticky = "nsew" )
btn_standby_configure_account = tk . Button (master = frm_form,
text = "Configure Account" ,
command = standby_configure_account)
btn_standby_configure_account . grid (row = 7 ,column = 0 , sticky = "nsew" )
Operational Account버튼 생성.
Copy btn_get_operational_account = tk . Button (master = frm_form,
text = "Get Operational Account" ,
command = get_operational_account)
btn_get_operational_account . grid (row = 0 , column = 3 , sticky = "nsew" )
btn_get_op_account_info = tk . Button (master = frm_form, text = "Get Op Account Info" ,
command = get_operational_account_info)
btn_get_op_account_info . grid (row = 1 , column = 3 , sticky = "nsew" )
btn_op_send_xrp = tk . Button (master = frm_form, text = "< Send XRP" ,
command = operational_send_xrp)
btn_op_send_xrp . grid (row = 2 , column = 3 , sticky = "nsew" )
Create Trust Line , Send Currency , Get Balances와 Configure Account의 operational account 버튼을 추가합니다.
Copy btn_op_create_trust_line = tk . Button (master = frm_form, text = "Create Trust Line" ,
command = operational_create_trust_line)
btn_op_create_trust_line . grid (row = 3 , column = 3 , sticky = "nsew" )
btn_op_send_currency = tk . Button (master = frm_form, text = "< Send Currency" ,
command = operational_send_currency)
btn_op_send_currency . grid (row = 4 , column = 3 , sticky = "nsew" )
btn_op_get_balances = tk . Button (master = frm_form, text = "Get Balances" ,
command = get_balances)
btn_op_get_balances . grid (row = 5 , column = 3 , sticky = "nsew" )
btn_op_configure_account = tk . Button (master = frm_form, text = "Configure Account" ,
command = operational_configure_account)
btn_op_configure_account . grid (row = 7 ,column = 4 , sticky = "nsew" )
Start the application