이 페이지에서는 아래 3가지를 배울 수 있습니다:
모든 계정에서 주문 처리 코드(fulfillment code)를 입력하면 사용할 수 있는, 에스크로 결제를 생성합니다.
전제 조건
Quickstart Samples 이브를 다운로드하여 활용할 수 있습니다.
사용 방법
에스크로 생성(Create Escrow)
조건 코드와 연결된 주문 처리 코드를 사용하여 조건 기반 에스크로를 생성합니다. 다섯 종 조건 애플리케이션을 사용하여 조건/이행 쌍을 생성합니다.
터미널 창에서, navig로컬의 Quickstart
디렉토리로 이동하기 (편의를 위해)
npm install five-bells-condition
를 작성하기
Condition/Fulfillment pair 생성하기:
터미널 창에서, navig로컬의 Quickstart
디렉토리로 이동하기 (편의를 위해)
node getConditionAndFulfillment.js
를 작성하기
생성된 Condition 및 Fulfillment pair를 복사하여 저장하기
Test 계정 만들기 :
Open 9.escrow-condition.html
in a browser
'Testnet' 또는 'Devnet' 선택하기
Test 계정들을 가져오기
만약 기존의 account seeds 를 갖고 있다면,
Seeds field에 account seeds 값을 붙여넣기
'Get Accounts from Seeds' 클릭하기
만약 기존의 account seeds 를 갖고 있지 않다면,
'Get New Standby Account' 클릭하기
'Get New Operational Account' 클릭하기
조건부 에스크로 생성(Create Conditional Escrow)
조건부 에스크로를 생성할 때는 예약하고자 하는 금액과 위에서 생성한 조건 값을 지정해야 합니다. 에스크로를 더 이상 사용할 수 없는 취소 날짜와 시간을 설정할 수도 있습니다.
조건부 에스크로 생성하기:
Operational Account 값을 복사하기
Destination Account field 에 붙여넣기
Escrow Cancel (seconds) 값을 작성하기
Standby Result field 에서 나오는 에스크로 Sequence Number 를 복사하여 저장하기
에스크로는 XRP Ledger instance에 생성되며, 요청하신 XRP 금액에 거래 비용을 더한 금액을 예약합니다.
에스크로를 생성할 때 Sequence Number 를 캡처하여 저장하면 에스크로 거래를 완료하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.
조건부 에스크로 완료(Finish Conditional Escrow)
모든 계정은 에스크로 취소 시간 전에 언제든지 조건부 에스크로를 완료할 수 있습니다. 위의 예에 따라 에스크로 취소 시간이 지나면 시퀀스 번호를 사용하여 거래를 완료할 수 있습니다.
조건부 에스크로 완료하기:
Operational account Escrow Sequence Number field에 Sequence number 를 붙여넣기
에 대한 Fulfillment
코드를 작성하기
Finish Conditional Escrow 클릭하기
거래가 완료되고 Standby 및 Operational accounts, 모두에 대한 잔액이 업데이트됩니다.
에스크로 불러오기(Get Escrows)
Standby account 및 Operational account에 대한 Get Escrows 를 클릭하여 현재 에스크로 목록을 확인합니다.
에스크로 취소(Cancel Escrow)
에스크로 취소 시간이 지나면 수취인은 더 이상 에스크로를 사용할 수 없습니다. 에스크로 개시자는 거래 수수료를 제외한 XRP를 회수할 수 있습니다. 취소 시간이 지나면 모든 계정에서 에스크로를 취소할 수 있습니다. 에스크로 취소 시간 전에 거래를 취소하려는 계정에는 명목 거래 비용(12드롭)이 청구되지만 실제 에스크로는 에스크로 취소 시간 이후까지 취소할 수 없습니다.
시퀀스 번호 찾기(Oh No! I Forgot to Save the Sequence Number!)
시퀀스 번호를 저장하는 것을 잊어버린 경우 에스크로 거래 기록에서 찾을 수 있습니다.
Click Get Escrows to get the escrow information.
Copy the PreviousTxnID value from the results.
Paste the PreviousTxnID in the Transaction to Look Up field.
Locate the Sequence value in the results.
실전 예제
이 웹사이트의 소스 리포지토리에서 Quickstart Samples 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
To generate a condition/fulfillment pair, use Node.js to run the getConditionAndFulfillment.js
Copy function getConditionAndFulfillment() {
Instantiate the five-bells-condition
and crypto
Copy const cc = require('five-bells-condition')
const crypto = require('crypto')
Create a random 32-byte seed string.
Copy const preimageData = crypto.randomBytes(32)
Create a fulfillment object.
Copy const fulfillment = new cc.PreimageSha256()
Generate a fulfillment code.
Copy fulfillment.setPreimage(preimageData)
Generate the condition value based on the fulfillment value.
Copy const condition = fulfillment.getConditionBinary().toString('hex').toUpperCase()
Return the condition.
Copy console.log('Condition:', condition)
Convert the fulfillment code to a hexadecimal string.
Copy const fulfillment_hex = fulfillment.serializeBinary().toString('hex').toUpperCase()
Return the fulfillment code. Keep it secret until you want to finish the escrow.
Copy console.log('Fulfillment:', fulfillment_hex)
Create Conditional Escrow
Copy async function createConditionalEscrow() {
Connect to your preferred ledger.
Copy results = "Connecting to the selected ledger.\n"
standbyResultField.value = results
let net = getNet()
results = "Connecting to " + net + "....\n"
const client = new xrpl.Client(net)
await client.connect()
results += "Connected. Creating conditional escrow.\n"
standbyResultField.value = results
Instantiate the standby and operational wallets
Copy const standby_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(standbySeedField.value)
const operational_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(operationalSeedField.value)
Capture the amount to send in the escrow.
Copy const sendAmount = standbyAmountField.value
Update the results field.
Copy results += "\nstandby_wallet.address: = " + standby_wallet.address
standbyResultField.value = results
Create a date value and add your requested number of seconds.
Copy let escrow_cancel_date = new Date()
escrow_cancel_date = addSeconds(parseInt(standbyEscrowCancelDateField.value))
Prepare the EscrowCreate
Copy const escrowTx = await client.autofill({
"TransactionType": "EscrowCreate",
"Account": standby_wallet.address,
"Amount": xrpl.xrpToDrops(sendAmount),
"Destination": standbyDestinationField.value,
"CancelAfter": escrow_cancel_date,
"Condition": standbyEscrowConditionField.value
Sign the transaction.
Copy const signed = standby_wallet.sign(escrowTx)
Submit the transaction and wait for the results.
Copy const tx = await client.submitAndWait(signed.tx_blob)
Report the results and update balance fields.
Copy results += "\nSequence Number (Save!): " + JSON.stringify(tx.result.Sequence)
results += "\n\nBalance changes: " +
JSON.stringify(xrpl.getBalanceChanges(tx.result.meta), null, 2)
standbyBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(standby_wallet.address))
operationalBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(operational_wallet.address))
standbyResultField.value = results
Disconnect from the XRPL
Copy client.disconnect()
} // End of createTimeEscrow()
Finish Conditional Escrow
Finish the escrow by submitting the condition and fulfillment codes.
Copy async function finishConditionalEscrow() {
Connect to your preferred XRP Ledger instance.
Copy results = "Connecting to the selected ledger.\n"
operationalResultField.value = results
let net = getNet()
results += 'Connecting to ' + getNet() + '....'
const client = new xrpl.Client(net)
await client.connect()
results += "\nConnected. Finishing escrow.\n"
operationalResultField.value = results
Get the standby and operational account wallets.
Copy const operational_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(operationalSeedField.value)
const standby_wallet = xrpl.Wallet.fromSeed(standbySeedField.value)
const sendAmount = operationalAmountField.value
results += "\noperational_wallet.address: = " + operational_wallet.address
operationalResultField.value = results
Prepare the transaction.
Copy const prepared = await client.autofill({
"TransactionType": "EscrowFinish",
"Account": operationalAccountField.value,
"Owner": standbyAccountField.value,
"OfferSequence": parseInt(operationalEscrowSequenceField.value),
"Condition": standbyEscrowConditionField.value,
"Fulfillment": operationalFulfillmentField.value
Sign the transaction.
Copy const signed = operational_wallet.sign(prepared)
Submit the transaction and wait for the results.
Copy const tx = await client.submitAndWait(signed.tx_blob)
Report the results.
Copy results += "\nBalance changes: " +
JSON.stringify(xrpl.getBalanceChanges(tx.result.meta), null, 2)
operationalResultField.value = results
standbyBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(standby_wallet.address))
operationalBalanceField.value = (await client.getXrpBalance(operational_wallet.address))
Disconnect from the XRPL.
Copy client.disconnect()
} // End of finishEscrow()
Copy <html>
<title>Conditional Escrow Test Harness</title>
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Work Sans' rel='stylesheet'>
body{font-family: "Work Sans", sans-serif;padding: 20px;background: #fafafa;}
h1{font-weight: bold;}
input, button {padding: 6px;margin-bottom: 8px;}
button{font-weight: bold;font-family: "Work Sans", sans-serif;}
td{vertical-align: middle;}
<script src='https://unpkg.com/xrpl@2.2.3'></script>
<script src='ripplex1-send-xrp.js'></script>
<script src='ripplex2-send-currency.js'></script>
<script src='ripplex8-escrow.js'></script>
<script src='ripplex9-escrow-condition.js'></script>
<!-- ************************************************************** -->
<!-- ********************** The Form ****************************** -->
<!-- ************************************************************** -->
<h1>Conditional Escrow Test Harness</h1>
<form id="theForm">
Choose your ledger instance:
<input type="radio" id="tn" name="server"
value="wss://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51233" checked>
<label for="tn">Testnet</label>
<input type="radio" id="dn" name="server"
<label for="dn">Devnet</label>
<button type="button" onClick="getAccountsFromSeeds()">Get Accounts From Seeds</button>
<textarea id="seeds" cols="40" rows= "2"></textarea>
<tr valign="top">
<tr valign="top">
<button type="button" onClick="getAccount('standby')">Get New Standby Account</button>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right">
Standby Account
<input type="text" id="standbyAccountField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
XRP Balance
<input type="text" id="standbyBalanceField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="standbyAmountField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Destination Account
<input type="text" id="standbyDestinationField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Escrow Condition
<input type="text" id="standbyEscrowConditionField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Escrow Cancel (seconds)
<input type="text" id="standbyEscrowCancelDateField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Escrow Sequence Number
<input type="text" id="standbyEscrowSequenceNumberField" size="40"></input>
<tr valign="top">
<td><button type="button" onClick="configureAccount('standby',document.querySelector('#standbyDefault').checked)">Configure Account</button></td>
<input type="checkbox" id="standbyDefault" checked="true"/>
<label for="standbyDefault">Allow Rippling</label>
<td align="right">
Public Key
<input type="text" id="standbyPubKeyField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Private Key
<input type="text" id="standbyPrivKeyField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="standbySeedField" size="40"></input>
<p align="left">
<textarea id="standbyResultField" cols="80" rows="20" ></textarea>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center" valign="top">
<button type="button" onClick="sendXRP()">Send XRP ></button>
<button type="button" onClick="getBalances()">Get Balances</button>
<button type="button" onClick="createConditionalEscrow()">Create Conditional Escrow</button>
<button type="button" onClick="getStandbyEscrows()">Get Escrows</button>
<button type="button" onClick="cancelEscrow()">Cancel Escrow</button>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center" valign="top">
<button type="button" onClick="oPsendXRP()">< Send XRP</button>
<button type="button" onClick="getBalances()">Get Balances</button>
<button type="button" onClick="finishConditionalEscrow()">Finish Conditional Escrow</button>
<button type="button" onClick="getOperationalEscrows()">Get Escrows</button>
<button type="button" onClick="getTransaction()">Get Transaction</button>
<td valign="top" align="right">
<button type="button" onClick="getAccount('operational')">Get New Operational Account</button>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right">
Operational Account
<input type="text" id="operationalAccountField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
XRP Balance
<input type="text" id="operationalBalanceField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="operationalAmountField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Fulfillment Code
<input type="text" id="operationalFulfillmentField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Escrow Sequence Number
<input type="text" id="operationalEscrowSequenceField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Transaction to Look Up
<input type="text" id="operationalTransactionField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
<input type="checkbox" id="operationalDefault" checked="true"/>
<label for="operationalDefault">Allow Rippling</label>
<button type="button" onClick="configureAccount('operational',document.querySelector('#operationalDefault').checked)">Configure Account</button>
<td align="right">
Public Key
<input type="text" id="operationalPubKeyField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
Private Key
<input type="text" id="operationalPrivKeyField" size="40"></input>
<td align="right">
<input type="text" id="operationalSeedField" size="40"></input>
<p align="right">
<textarea id="operationalResultField" cols="80" rows="20" ></textarea>